Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Rib Cookoff and La Famiglia Ristorante

LaFamiglia Ristorante Italiano

LaFamiglia has to be one of my most favorite restaurants in Reno.  It has recently moved about four blocks south of it's old location and I have been wanting to give it a try. I was not too worried about the new look but I sure did not want the food to lose any of it's old location wonderful taste in the short move. Well I guess the food Gods were with the chefs because the food is as outstanding as ever. Now when I throw in the new decor it's a win, win deal. Funny thing, the dining room and bar layout are just about the same as the old location. I understand they were able to get in about four more tables, I felt that was great news for them.
170 So. Virginia St.
Reno, NV 89501
775 324 1414 
( next door to Pioneer  Center)

Last night I had the opportunity to go there with a friend. Our reservations were for 6:45 we arrived at about 6:25 and were greeted by George who always makes one feel like they just walked into his house. The dining room was about three quarters full and everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves to the fullest. I told George we were early and he said not to worry our table was ready for us, and sure enough our table was set and had a reserved sign on it. 

I started with a Cesar  Salad and my entree was Veal Marsala. The salad was nicely chilled great dressing and not so much as to ruin my dinner. The veal was outstanding cooked just right, a nice variety of mushrooms and a very nicely finished sauce. Also on the plate were some steamed fresh veggies and the proper amount of pasta. Not too much to make you think you ordered a pasta dish but not too little as to leave you wanting more. Really all portions were just right.Just right in the sense that when I got up I was not hungry but yet did not waddle out the door. 

My guest had Veal Piccata   which was also finished to perfection. A plain salad and a glass of wine. We both passed on dessert as we are trying to be good.

Their menu is a'la carte, and I would say their prices are a bit above average but then again so is their food and service so it balances out. The two entrees, salads, one glass of wine, a bottle of Pellegrino, tip and no dessert came to $86.00, which I felt was fine for what I had and how I was treated. 

This is a must stop on your next trip to Reno.

The Best of The West Rib Cook Off 

When September rolls around we all start to think of Sparks NV and the Best of the West Rib Cook Off, and this year was no different. There were 23 competitors and over 500,000 visitors, and you wonder why you could not get a room.

I was smart this year and parked in the Legends parking lot and took a shuttle bus. You not only forget things when you get old BUT you get smarter too.

The winner was, (drum roll please) Bone Daddy's BBQ of Midland MI. They walked away with a first place in the Judging and a first place in the People's Choice to win both does not happen very often. OH yes, they also took home a 7,500.00 check. Second place went to Kinders of Concord, CA. It was fun and we ate lots and lots of ribs but the crowds were too much. It is best to go Wed. or Thurs. and skip the weekend.  My Granddaughter came up and brought my Great Granddaughter and boy could that little one eat ribs and she is not two yet.

 Eating up her inheritance

I sure hope those of you that missed it this year will be in the crowd next year.   

OK for this post. A lot of things going on in the next couple of weeks. Balloon Races, Air Races, a trip to Donner Lake to hear about the Donner party, all this and I would like to give you my idea of the Best Coffee House in Reno. If you have any ideas about the best coffee house please Email me.

Until next time have a good time, stay safe, and think Reno.

A late add on:
Virginia City Camel Races Sept. 10-12
Street Vibrations in and around Reno Sept. 22-26

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